Features of the HTML Pages
The HTML pages generated by README should work with or without JavaScript (library users reading documentation pages are full of geeks after all ;)). Yet they have many supplementary features when JavaScript is enabled.
Search in README is achieved without involving a third-party thanks to the elastic lunr library.
The idea is that an index is generated when your documentation is built, and that index is fetched the first time you search on the generated HTML page. Elastic lunr then searches through that index to provide matches that are then display in the page.
Doing the search locally has the advantage of not having to rely on third parties for your search. It also allows to have a much faster search experience than if a server was requested for each search input.
Note however that elastic lunr is quite old and that some more recent local search implementations exist that we're looking at today with the goal of improving search accuracy.
Soft navigation
Links to other documentation pages, as long as they concern the same category
(e.g. you're switching between links of the API
category), are pre-loaded as
soon as they are hovered. Because documentation pages are very small in size,
doing this has the advantage of leading to an almost instantaneous page change
(as the request has often already ended before the link is actually clicked on).
The idea of pre-loading pages to then quasi-instantaneously update the page's content on navigation through JavaScript is a recurrent trick called "soft navigation".
Doing this also has the advantage of keeping the state of your page as is, even when navigating between links. For example, page groups will remain opened even when going to another documentation page.
This feature doesn't depend on JavaScript, but it should still be noted that README HTML pages have two layouts depending on the available width.
Once small enough, several changes are made when compared to the full-width layout:
A "hamburger button" appears, toggling the display of a list of both the pages in the current category as well as the categories themselves. External links are also shown in that list.
The header now only contains this hamburger button, your logo (if enabled), search (if enabled) and your project's version (if enabled).
The table of contents (usually on the right side of the screen) is not visible anymore.
This was done to allow a smoother experience when reading your documentation in a case where not a lot of horizontal space is available.