getCurrentAudioTrack method


Returns the information on the currently loaded audio track. Returns undefined if unknown, if no content is loaded or if the content has no audio track.

When set, the returned object has the following properties (same than for a getAudioTrackList call):

  • id (number): The identifier for that audio track. It is generally useful to for example set the audio track though a setAudioTrack call.

  • language (string | undefined): The primary language used in this audio track, as a language tag.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no language involved.

  • assocLanguage (string | undefined): A secondary language associated to the audio track, as a language tag. Such language is often used in a different role than the language specified through the language property (e.g., written versus spoken, or a fallback dialect).

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no language involved.

  • name (string): Human-readable description of the audio track. If the language property is set, it should generally be in that language.

  • channels (number | undefined): If set, it is the count of audio channels, indicating the maximum number of independent and simultaneous audio channels present in any media data in that audio track.

    For example, an AC-3 5.1 Rendition would have a channels attribute set to 6.

The current audio track should be known once the audioTrackUpdate event is sent for the currently-loaded content, which should happen at least once before the content is in the "Loaded" state (and thus before playback starts).


const currentAudioTrack = player.getCurrentAudioTrack();
  • return value:

Object: Characteristics of the currently loaded audio track (see previous chapter). undefined if no content is loaded, if there’s no audio tracks in the loaded content or if its characteristics are unknown.

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