Player Configuration


On WaspHlsPlayer instantiation, a configuration object is created and associated to this instance.

It allows to configure many aspects of the player, from how much buffer you would prefer to build to how many request retry should be performed if some fails, and any of it can be updated at any time, even when a content impacted by it is playing.

An initial config can optionally be given on instantiation (as indicated in the corresponding API documentation page). If not set, a sane default configuration will be generated instead by the WaspHlsPlayer.

Any property of that configuration may also be updated at any time through the updateConfig call.

For example, to update the bufferGoal property to 20 seconds, you can write:

  bufferGoal: 20,

Note that because most of that configuration’s values are actually relied on by code running in a worker, there’s a necessary delay before it actually becomes considered (it doesn’t happen synchronously).

The last version of that configuration can also be recuperated through the getConfig method.

The rest of this page is going to focus on each properties declared on this configuration object.


type: number

Amount of buffer, in seconds, to “build” ahead of the currently wated position.

Once that amount is reached, we’ll stop loading new data until we go under again.

A lower value will mean less memory and network resources are generally taken, but more risk of rebuffering. A higher value will mean the opposite.

A value in the 15-50 range is generally safe.


type: number

Amount of times a failed segment request might be retried on errors that seem temporary (such as an HTTP 404 for example):

  • 1 meaning it will be retried once
  • 2 twice
  • 0 never retried etc.

To set to -1 for infinite retry.

Do not be scared to put a high value if you would prefer to retry over stopping on error. There’s an “exponential backoff” mechanism whose main objective is to avoid overloading servers and network resources. So retry never will happen in a quick loop.


type: number

Number of milliseconds after which a segment request with no response will be automatically cancelled due to a “timeout”.

Depending on the configuration, the segment request might then be retried.

To set to -1 for disabling segment request timeouts.


type: number

If a segment request has to be retried, we will wait an amount of time before restarting the request. That delay raises if the same segment request fails multiple consecutive times, starting from around this value in milliseconds to segmentBackoffMax milliseconds.

The step at which it raises is not configurable here, but can be resumed as a power of 2 raise on the previous value each time.


type: number

If a segment request has to be retried, we will wait an amount of time before restarting the request. That delay raises if the same segment request fails multiple consecutive times, starting from around segmentBackoffBase milliseconds to this value in milliseconds.

The step at which it raises is not configurable here, but can be resumed as a power of 2 raise on the previous value each time.


type: number

Amount of times a failed Multivariant Playlist request might be retried on errors that seem temporary (such as an HTTP 404 for example):

  • 1 meaning it will be retried once
  • 2 twice
  • 0 never retried etc.

To set to -1 for infinite retry.

Do not be scared to put a high value if you would prefer to retry over stopping on error. There’s an “exponential backoff” mechanism whose main objective is to avoid overloading servers and network resources. So retry never will happen in a quick loop.


type: number

Number of milliseconds after which a Multivariant Playlist request with no response will be automatically cancelled due to a “timeout”.

Depending on the configuration, the Multivariant Playlist request might then be retried.

To set to -1 for disabling Multivariant Playlist request timeouts.


type: number

If a Multivariant Playlist request has to be retried, we will wait an amount of time before restarting the request. That delay raises if the same request fails multiple consecutive times, starting from around this value in milliseconds to multiVariantPlaylistBackoffMax milliseconds.

The step at which it raises is not configurable here, but can be resumed as a power of 2 raise on the previous value each time.


type: number

If a Multivariant Playlist request has to be retried, we will wait an amount of time before restarting the request. That delay raises if the same request fails multiple consecutive times, starting from around multiVariantPlaylistBackoffBase milliseconds to this value in milliseconds.

The step at which it raises is not configurable here, but can be resumed as a power of 2 raise on the previous value each time.


type: number

Amount of times a failed Media Playlist request might be retried on errors that seem temporary (such as an HTTP 404 for example):

  • 1 meaning it will be retried once
  • 2 twice
  • 0 never retried etc.

To set to -1 for infinite retry.

Do not be scared to put a high value if you would prefer to retry over stopping on error. There’s an “exponential backoff” mechanism whose main objective is to avoid overloading servers and network resources. So retry never will happen in a quick loop.


type: number

Number of milliseconds after which a Media Playlist request with no response will be automatically cancelled due to a “timeout”.

Depending on the configuration, the Media Playlist request might then be retried.

To set to -1 for disabling Media Playlist request timeouts.


type: number

If a Media Playlist request has to be retried, we will wait an amount of time before restarting the request. That delay raises if the same request fails multiple consecutive times, starting from around this value in milliseconds to mediaPlaylistBackoffMax milliseconds.

The step at which it raises is not configurable here, but can be resumed as a power of 2 raise on the previous value each time.


type: number

If a Media Playlist request has to be retried, we will wait an amount of time before restarting the request. That delay raises if the same request fails multiple consecutive times, starting from around mediaPlaylistBackoffBase milliseconds to this value in milliseconds.

The step at which it raises is not configurable here, but can be resumed as a power of 2 raise on the previous value each time.

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