Loading a content


Loading a content through the WaspHlsPlayer can only be done once it has been instantiated and once initialize has been called (it is not necessary to await the returned Promise).

This is the step where the URL of the Multivariant Playlist (before known as the “Master Playlist”) is provided to the WaspHlsPlayer, that takes care of media playback.

That step is done through the load method, through a very straightforward call:

// Here `MultivariantPlaylistUrl` is the HTTP(S) URL to the Multivariant
// Playlist

You can then be notified of where the load operation is at (whether it is still loading the content, has loaded it or encountered an error) by either listening to the "playerStateChange" event or at any point in time by calling the getPlayerState method:

player.addEventlistener("playerStateChange", (playerState) => {
  switch (playerState) {
    case "Loading":
      console.log("A new content is loading.");
    case "Loaded":
      console.log("The last loaded content is currently loaded.");
    case "Error":
        "The last loaded content cannot play anymore due to an error."
    case "Stopped":
      console.log("No content is currently loaded nor loading.");

Note that the WaspHlsPlayer doesn’t automatically begin playback once the content is loaded. To do so, you have to call the resume method once the "Loaded" player state is reached:

// Automatically play the content once it's loaded
player.addEventlistener("playerStateChange", (playerState) => {
  if (playerState === "Loaded") {


load also can take an optional second argument, an object representing its options.

For now there’s only one optional property that can be set inside it, startingPosition.


type: number | object | undefined

The startingPosition option allows to indicate a preferred position at which playback should begin.

If not set or set to undefined, the WaspHlsPlayer will decide by itself where to begin in the content, based on content information. In most cases, this is what you want.

As a number

If you do want to start at a specific position, startingPosition can be set as a number, which will corresponds to the wanted starting position, in terms of content time (the position as deduced from the HLS Media Playlists, which may not be the same than the media time inside media segments) in seconds.

For example, to begin playback of a VoD content at the second 10, you can write:

player.load(playlistUrl, {
  startingPosition: 10,

Or to play some live contents at what was recorded one minute ago, you could write:

// Unix timestamp, in seconds, corresponding to now minus 1 minute
const date = Date.now() / 1000 - 60;

player.load(playlistUrl, {
  startingPosition: date,

As an object

More complex relative wanted starting positions can be communicated by setting startingPosition to an object instead.

Those objects each have two properties, startType, a string indicating the type of relative or absolute position, and position indicating the position value.

A relative position to the initially minimum or maximum position can this way be given respectively by setting startType to "FromBeginning" and "FromEnd".

For example, to start playback 10 seconds before the last initially available position (10 seconds before the end for a VoD content, or before live for a live content), you can write:

player.load(playlistUrl, {
  startingPosition: {
    startType: "FromEnd",
    position: 10,

If you however want to play 10 seconds after the first initially available position, you can write:

player.load(playlistUrl, {
  startingPosition: {
    startType: "FromBeginning",
    position: 10,

For completeness-sake, it’s also possible to communicate through an object an absolute position, exactly as if a number was directly communicated, you can do so through the "Absolute" startType. Thus to start at exactly the second 30, you can write:

player.load(playlistUrl, {
  startingPosition: {
    startType: "Absolute",
    position: 30,
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