getVariantList method


Returns the list of available HLS variants for the currently loaded content.

A variant in HLS is basically a set of media rendition in a given quality. The WaspHlsPlayer may regularly switch between variant, for example because of changing network conditions unless the current variant has been locked.

This method will returns an array of objects, each object containing the information available for a particular variant.

Each of those objects should contain the following keys:

  • id (number): The identifier for that variant. Might be useful for example when wanting to lock that variant in place through the lockVariant method.

  • width (number | undefined): The optimal width at which the video media data linked to that variant is displayed, in pixel.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no video data.

  • height (number | undefined): The optimal height at which the video media data linked to that variant is displayed, in pixel.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no video data.

  • frameRate (number | undefined): The maximum frame for the video media data linked to that variant.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no video data.

  • bandwidth (number | undefined): The peak segment bit rate of any media combination in that variant, in bits per second.

    undefined if unknown,

That list of variants is known once the variantListUpdate event is sent for the currently-loaded content, which should happen at least once before the content is in the "Loaded" state (and thus before playback starts).

If no content is currently loaded or if there is but variants characteristics are either inexistant or unknown, this method will return an empty array ([]).


const variants = player.getVariantList();
  • return value:

Array.<Object>: Characteristics of the currently available variants (see previous chapter). Empty if no content is loaded, if there’s no if variants’ characteristics are unknown.

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