isVod method


Returns true when the currently-loaded content can be considered a “VOD” content.

Returns false either when not playing a VOD content or when no content is loaded yet.

A content is considered as VOD if all of its media playlists have the VOD playlist type. Consequently, a VOD content will never have new segments added or old segments removed, which also means that its “minimum position” and “maximum position” won’t evolve since the content is loaded.

Note that a content can start as a non-VOD content but may end as one.

You can be warned when isVod’s value might have changed by listening to the ContentInfoUpdate event. You can also know when it is first set after a load call either by listening to this same ContentInfoUpdate event or by calling isLive when reaching the "Loaded" state.


const isVod = player.isVod();
  • return value:

boolean: Return true if the current content may be considered a VOD content.

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