WaspHlsPlayer instantiation


instantiating a WaspHlsPlayer is a necessary step before using most of its API, like load to load a new HLS content.

It is here that the HTMLVideoElement (the <video /> HTML element) on which the content will play is given to the WaspHlsPlayer:

import WaspHlsPlayer from "wasp-hls";

const videoElement = document.querySelector("video");
const player = new WaspHlsPlayer(videoElement);

Note: For a more predictable behavior, it is best that you then use the WaspHlsPlayer’s API instead of any of the HTMLVideoElement’s own methods, attributes and events, excepted when the opposite is explicitely advised by this documentation (such as with audio volume management).

Optionally, you can give a second argument on instantiation, the WaspHlsPlayer’s original configuration object:

const config = {
  // Try to reach a buffer size of 20 seconds when playing
  bufferGoal: 20,

  // Re-do a segment request if it takes more than 10 seconds
  segmentRequestTimeout: 10,

  // ...
const player = new WaspHlsPlayer(videoElement, config);

You may here only define a subset of those keys, in which case the WaspHlsPlayer will set sane default values for the others. You can also either not set it, set it to undefined or to an empty object, in which cases the WaspHlsPlayerConfig will use its inner default configuration instead.

Note that this configuration object can be updated at any time through the updateConfig method.


const player = new WaspHlsPlayer(videoElement);

// or, with a default configuration object
const player = new WaspHlsPlayer(videoElement, configObject);
  • arguments:

    1. videoElement HTMLVideoElement: The <video /> element on the page on which the content will play.

    2. config (optional) Object|undefined: Default configuration object.

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