updateConfig method


Update some or all of the Configuration Object properties.

That method accepts an object which can be a redefinition of the whole configuration object or only a subset by only declaring some of its properties.

For example, to only set the segmentMaxRetry configuration to 3, you can write:

  segmentMaxRetry: 3,

Note that to ignore some properties, you can also set them to undefined. As such, the following code will also JUST update the segmentMaxRetry configuration to 3.

  bufferGoal: undefined,
  segmentMaxRetry: 3,

This is possible because no properties of the Configuration Object has undefined as a valid value.

Also note that because most of that configuration’s values are actually relied on by code running in a worker, there’s a necessary delay before it actually becomes considered (it doesn’t happen synchronously).


  • argument:

    1. configUpdate Object: Updates to combine with the previous configuration object. All properties unset or set to undefined will be let as they were before.
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