resume method


Un-pause the currently-loaded content. Equivalent to a video element’s play method.

resume can only be called when the WaspHlsPlayer instance is in the "Loaded" state and thus when a content is currently loaded. Calling it in any other scenario leads to an error being thrown.

Note that when initially loaded, the content will be in the paused state. If you want to begin playback, you will thus have to call resume.

The returned promise may reject in cases where playing is blocked, such as when “auto-playing” is disabled on the page.

You can see this MDN page for more information on why this promise will reject.


const promise = player.resume();
promise.catch((err) => {
  console.warn("Impossible to play:", err);
  • return value:

Promise: Result of calling play on the media element.

That Promise may reject in cases where playing is blocked. You can see this MDN page for more information on why this promise will reject.

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