Player Errors


Player errors are Error objects which are sent an issue linked to the playback of the last-loaded content arised.

All errors in the WaspHlsPlayer follow a common format, with a name, message, code and globalCode property. Some more specific errors have more descriptive properties.

All of those are defined in this documentation page.

Fatal errors and warnings

There is two distincts types of errors:

  • “Fatal” errors, which are major errors led to playback interruption.

    Such errors are sent through a "error" event and are then returned by the getError method once the "error" event has been triggered for the current content.

  • warnings, which are minor errors, sent through the "warning" event.

Thus you can know if you received a fatal error (which thus interrupted playback) or a warning (for which the WaspHlsPlayer is capable of staying resilient to) based on the event and/or API which sent it.

Common structure of a WaspHlsPlayer’s error

All fatal errors and warnings follow the same structure. They extend the JavaScript Error Object and add multiple properties giving more indication over the issue encountered.

All the following properties are common to all errors (sent through "warning" and "error" events, as well as returned by the getError method):

  • name (string): The type of error received. The name property basically reflects the category of the error received (see below for the different types).

    When using TypeScript in your application, checking the name property first also allows to provide much better type suggestions when using the code prorperty of that same error.

  • message (string): A human-readable description of the Error, This message property might change from version to version.

  • code (string): An error code identifying the exact error encountered. Unlike message, the code property is intented to be stable and as such may be used programatically for error detection.

    The code should be sufficient to identify a particular error in your application. The name property only allowing to identify the particular type of Error instance you’re currently handling if you want to check the error Object’s properties. More details on that below.

  • globalCode (string): Contains the exact same value as the code property.

    We provide both for technical TypeScript-related reasons. globalCode is typed as an union of all potential code strings that may be returned by the WaspHlsPlayer in general, whereas code is typed as an union of code strings that may be linked to error with the same name.

    Both are correct in terms of type-checking, code being typed as a still valid sub-set of the globalCode property. The main difference will be when you rely on TypeScript to handle that error: In code handling all error objects without first checking the name property, TypeScript will give better autocompletion results when using globalCode. However if you filtered by name in your code, then code will be the most precize one.

Error type: WaspMultivariantPlaylistRequestError

WaspMultivariantPlaylistRequestError are errors triggered when an error arised while doing the Multivariant Playlist HTTP(S) request.

Its name property is set to "WaspMultivariantPlaylistRequestError". For example to catch when a fatal error was due to a failure to request the Multivariant Playlist, you can write:

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspMultivariantPlaylistRequestError") {
    // This error was due to a request failure of the Multivariant Playlist

WaspMultivariantPlaylistRequestError also may have the following property:

  • status (number|undefined: The failed request’s HTTP(S) response status.

    undefined if unknown, not checked or if not yet received (e.g. in case of a timeout).

Error codes

A WaspMultivariantPlaylistRequestError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "MultivariantPlaylistBadHttpStatus": The HTTP(s) status on the response indicated that the Multivariant Playlist could not be fetched.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistRequestTimeout": The HTTP(s) request for the Multivariant Playlist timeouted according to the current configuration.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistRequestError": The HTTP(s) request itself failed to be performed (might be because we’re offline, might be because of security policies etc.) for the Multivariant Playlist.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistRequestOtherError": The HTTP(s) request itself failed to be performed for another, unknown, reason for the Multivariant Playlist.

Error type: WaspMultivariantPlaylistParsingError

WaspMultivariantPlaylistParsingError are errors triggered when an error arised while parsing the Multivariant Playlist.

Its name property is set to "WaspMultivariantPlaylistParsingError". For example to catch when a fatal error was due to a failure to parse the Multivariant Playlist, you can write:

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspMultivariantPlaylistParsingError") {
    // This error was due to a parsing failure of the Multivariant Playlist

Error codes

A WaspMultivariantPlaylistParsingError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "MultivariantPlaylistMissingExtM3uHeader": The first line of the Multivariant Playlist is not #EXTM3U. Are you sure this is a Multivariant Playlist?

  • "MultivariantPlaylistWithoutVariant": The Multivariant Playlist has no variant. Are you sure this is a Multivariant Playlist and not a Media Playlist?

  • "MultivariantPlaylistMissingUriLineAfterVariant": An EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag announced in the Multivariant Playlist, describing an HLS variant, had no URI associated to it. It should be mandatory.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistVariantMissingBandwidth": An EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag announced in the Multivariant Playlist, describing an HLS variant, had no BANDWIDTH attribute associated to it. It should be mandatory.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistMediaTagMissingType": An EXT-X-MEDIA tag announced in the Multivariant Playlist, describing an HLS variant, had no TYPE attribute associated to it. It should be mandatory.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistMediaTagMissingName": An EXT-X-MEDIA tag announced in the Multivariant Playlist, describing an HLS variant, had no NAME attribute associated to it. It should be mandatory.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistMediaTagMissingGroupId": An EXT-X-MEDIA tag announced in the Multivariant Playlist, describing an HLS variant, had no GROUP-ID attribute associated to it. It should be mandatory.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistOtherParsingError": An uncategorized error arised while parsing the Multivariant Playlist.

  • "MultivariantPlaylistInvalidValue": A value in the Multivariant Playlist was in an invalid format.

Error type: WaspMediaPlaylistRequestError

WaspMediaPlaylistRequestError are errors triggered when an error arised while doing a Media Playlist HTTP(S) request.

Its name property is set to "WaspMediaPlaylistRequestError". For example to catch when a fatal error was due to a failure to request a Media Playlist, you can write:

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspMediaPlaylistRequestError") {
    // This error was due to a request failure of a Media Playlist

WaspMediaPlaylistRequestError also may have the following properties:

  • status (number|undefined: The failed request’s HTTP(S) response status.

    undefined if unknown, not checked or if not yet received (e.g. in case of a timeout).

  • mediaType (string): The “media type” associated to that Media Playlist. Examples of media types are "Audio" for a Media Playlist linked to resources containing just audio media content, and "Video" for a Media Playlist which contains video content (it may be only video, video with audio, with captions etc.).

Error codes

A WaspMediaPlaylistRequestError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "MediaPlaylistBadHttpStatus": The HTTP(s) status on the response indicated that the Media Playlist could not be fetched.

  • "MediaPlaylistRequestTimeout": The HTTP(s) request for the Media Playlist timeouted according to the current configuration.

  • "MediaPlaylistRequestError": The HTTP(s) request itself failed to be performed (might be because we’re offline, might be because of security policies etc.) for the Media Playlist.

  • "MediaPlaylistRequestOtherError": The HTTP(s) request itself failed to be performed for another, unknown, reason for the Media Playlist.

Error type: WaspMediaPlaylistParsingError

WaspMediaPlaylistParsingError are errors triggered when an error arised while parsing a Media Playlist.

Its name property is set to "WaspMediaPlaylistParsingError". For example to catch when a fatal error was due to a failure to parse a Media Playlist, you can write:

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspMediaPlaylistParsingError") {
    // This error was due to a parsing failure of a Media Playlist

WaspMediaPlaylistParsingError also may have the following property:

  • mediaType (string): The “media type” associated to that Media Playlist.

    Examples of media types are "Audio" for a Media Playlist linked to resources containing just audio media content, and "Video" for a Media Playlist which contains video content (it may be only video, video with audio, with captions etc.).

Error codes

A WaspMediaPlaylistParsingError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "MediaPlaylistUnparsableExtInf": An #EXTINF tag announced in the Media Playlist was not in the right format.

  • "MediaPlaylistUriMissingInMap": An #EXT-X-MAP tag in the Media Playlist didn’t its mandatory URI attribute.

  • "MediaPlaylistMissingTargetDuration": There was no #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION tag in the Media Playlist.

  • "MediaPlaylistUriWithoutExtInf": One of the URI found in the MediaPlaylist wasn’t associated to any #EXTINF tag.

  • "MediaPlaylistUnparsableByteRange": A #EXT-X-BYTERANGE tag or a BYTERANGE attribute in the Media Playlist was not in the right format.

  • "MediaPlaylistOtherParsingError": Another uncategorized error happened while parsing the Media Playlist.

Error type: WaspSegmentRequestError

WaspSegmentRequestError are errors triggered when an error arised while doing a segment HTTP(S) request.

Its name property is set to "WaspSegmentRequestError". For example to catch when a fatal error was due to a failure to request a segment, you can write:

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspSegmentRequestError") {
    // This error was due to a request failure of a segment

WaspSegmentRequestError also may have the following property:

  • isInit (boolean|undefined): If true, the error concerns an initialization segment (a segment without media data, intented for lower-level media decoders initialization).

    If false, it concerns a media segment (a segment with media data).

    If undefined it is not known whether it concerns an initialization or media segment.

Error codes

A WaspSegmentRequestError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "SegmentBadHttpStatus": The HTTP(s) status on the response indicated that the segment could not be fetched.

  • "SegmentRequestTimeout": The HTTP(s) request for the segment timeouted according to the current configuration.

  • "SegmentRequestError": The HTTP(s) request itself failed to be performed (might be because we’re offline, might be because of security policies etc.) for the Media Playlist.

  • "SegmentRequestOtherError": The HTTP(s) request itself failed to be performed for another, unknown, reason for the segment.

Error type: WaspSegmentParsingError

WaspSegmentParsingError are errors triggered when an error arised while parsing a media or initialisation segment.

Its name property is set to "WaspSegmentParsingError":

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspSegmentParsingError") {
    // This error was due to a parsing failure of a segment

WaspSegmentParsingError also may have the following property:

  • mediaType (string): The “media type” associated to the segment.

    Examples of media types are "Audio" for a segment linked to resources containing just audio media content, and "Video" for a segment which contains video content (it may be only video or video with audio).

Error codes

A WaspSegmentParsingError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "SegmentTransmuxingError": An error arised when trying to transmux a segment (the action of changing the segment’s container to improve browser compatibility).

  • "SegmentParsingOtherError": An uncategorized error arised when parsing a segment.

Error type: WaspSourceBufferCreationError

WaspSourceBufferCreationError are errors triggered when the WaspHlsPlayer encountered an issue while creating a SourceBuffer, which are media buffers provided by the browser through its “MediaSource Extensions” API.

Its name property is set to "WaspSourceBufferCreationError":

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspSourceBufferCreationError") {
    // An error happened when creating a SourceBuffer

WaspSourceBufferCreationError also may have the following property:

  • mediaType (string): The “media type” associated to that SourceBuffer.

    Examples of media types are "Audio" for a SourceBuffer linked to resources containing just audio media content, and "Video" for a SourceBuffer which contains video content (it may be only video or video with audio).

Error codes

A WaspSegmentParsingError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "SourceBufferCantPlayType": The mime type communicated during SourceBuffer creation was not supported.

  • `“SourceBufferCreationOtherError”: An uncategorized error arised while creating a SourceBuffer.

Error type: WaspSourceBufferError

WaspSourceBufferError are errors triggered when the WaspHlsPlayer encountered an issue while doing an operation on a successfully created SourceBuffer, which are media buffers provided by the browser through its “MediaSource Extensions” API.

Its name property is set to "WaspSourceBufferError":

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspSourceBufferError") {
    // An error happened when doing an operation on a SourceBuffer

WaspSourceBufferError also may have the following property:

  • mediaType (string): The “media type” associated to that SourceBuffer.

    Examples of media types are "Audio" for a SourceBuffer linked to resources containing just audio media content, and "Video" for a SourceBuffer which contains video content (it may be only video or video with audio).

Error codes

A WaspSourceBufferError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "SourceBufferAppendError": An error arised when pushing a segment to the SourceBuffer. Generally, this happens when the pushed segment is malformed.

  • "SourceBufferFullError": We could not add more data to the SourceBuffer because it is full.

  • "SourceBufferRemoveError": An error arised when removing data from the SourceBuffer.

  • "SourceBufferOtherError": An uncategorized error arised when doing an operation on a SourceBuffer.

Error type: WaspOtherError

WaspOtherError are errors that are other, uncategorized errors that didn’t fit other error types.

Its name property is set to "WaspOtherError":

player.addEventlistener("error", (error) => {
  if ( === "WaspSourceBufferCreationError") {
    // An uncategorized error happened

Error codes

A WaspSegmentParsingError’s code property can be set to any of the following values:

  • "MediaSourceAttachmentError": An error arised when trying to either create the MediaSource or attempt to attach it to the MediaSource HTMLMediaElement.

  • "NoSupportedVariant": No supported variant was found in the Multivariant Playlist.

  • "UnfoundLockedVariant": The variant locked through the lockVariant API was not found.

  • "Unknown": An unknown error arised.

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