isRebuffering method

Returns true when playback is currently not advancing because of rebuffering.

You can also know when playback enters or exits a rebuffering period respectively by listening to the rebufferingStarted or the rebufferingEnded events.

Rebuffering is a period during which playback is paused to build back buffer, in that condition, playback will only restart (by itself) once enough buffer is loaded.

Rebuffering can for example happen if the network bandwidth is currently too low to play sustainably the current content or due to some other event like a seek.

Note that rebuffering can also happen when playback is paused. It just means that there’s not enough media data to begin playback.


const isRebuffering = player.isRebuffering();
  • return value:

boolean: Return true if playback is currently on hold due to rebuffering.

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