lockVariant method


“Lock” a specific HLS variant (i.e. quality) to prevent the WaspHlsPlayer from switching from a variant to another due to e.g. changing network conditions

This methods takes a number in argument which corresponds to the corresponding variant object’s id property. The main location where you may find those objects are through the getVariantList method and the variantListUpdate event.

Once locked, it is possible to unlock the variant for the currently-loaded content by calling the unlockVariant method.

lockVariant can only be called when the WaspHlsPlayer instance is in the "Loaded" state and thus when a content is currently loaded. Calling it in any other scenario leads to an error being thrown.

Influence on audio tracks

Locking a variant through lockVariant may also trigger an automatic audio track change previously set through a setAudioTrack call, in which case you will receive the corresponding audioTrackUpdate event.

This is because some audio tracks may only be compatible with some variants but not others.

It should be noted however that such scenarios are rare and may only be seen in the few HLS contents which enforce such rules.

Note about its asynchronicity

As the WaspHlsPlayer relies on a Worker where most actions actually occur asynchronously, the variant will not be locked synchronously after this call.

Likewise, calling the getLockedVariant method synchronously after calling lockVariant may not returns the characteristics of the locked variant yet.

You will receive a variantLockUpdate event once the variant is known to be actively locked by the WaspHlsPlayer.

If the locked variant was actually not found on the content, a "warning" event will be triggered with a code set to "UnfoundLockedVariant".


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