WaspHlsPlayer overview

The WaspHlsPlayer is a media player library allowing to play HLS contents on the web efficiently by exploiting a WebWorker, allowing to run concurrently to the user interface and WebAssembly, allowing to do so in an optimized way.

The WaspHlsPlayer requires both features to be available in environment it runs. It also support more advanced features, such as MSE-in-Workers on browsers that support them, though it can also run efficiently on environments without those. All of those features should ensure that an heavy UI won’t have a huge influence on media buffering, as well as ensuring that the media loading, parsing and buffering operations won’t be felt when interacting with the page.

Very quick start

To let you quickly test the project, the WaspHlsPlayer provides embedded versions of its WebAssembly and Worker files, even if I recommend to store and serve those as separate files on production (more details in the rest of the documentation).

You can thus very quickly test the WaspHlsPlayer by just installing it:

// With npm
npm install wasp-hls

// or with yarn
yarn add wasp-hls

And then running the following JavaScript file.

import WaspHlsPlayer from "wasp-hls";
import EmbeddedWasm from "wasp-hls/wasm";
import EmbeddedWorker from "wasp-hls/worker";

const player = new WaspHlsPlayer(videoElement);
    workerUrl: EmbeddedWorker,
    wasmUrl: EmbeddedWasm,
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error("Could not initialize WaspHlsPlayer:", err);

Where HLS_MULTIVARIANT_PLAYLIST_URL is the URL to the main playlist (called either the Multivariant Playlist or the Master Playlist) of your HLS content.

Of course, once initialize has succeeded, you can play any HLS content you want on that WaspHlsPlayer instance.

The documentation pages

Those documentation pages are splitted into multiple categories:

  • You’re here in the “Getting Started” category which provides tutorials and other resources allowing to help you with basic usage of the WaspHlsPlayer.

  • You can also dive into the API, which specifies the behavior of everything that is possible with the WaspHlsPlayer.

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