initialize method


Initialize the WaspHlsPlayer, see the API documentation page on initialization for more information.


// Without an initial bandwidth setup:
const initializationPromise = player.initialize({

// With an initial bandwidth, generally to start playing with an appropriate
// quality directly:
const initializationPromise = player.initialize({
  • arguments:

    1. initObject Object: The properties required for initialization.

      This object should have the following properties present:

      • workerUrl (string): URL to the Worker file, that you have hosted.

      • wasmUrl (string): URL to the WebAssembly file, that you have hosted.

      It has one additional optional property:

      • initialBandwidth (number|undefined): An initial bandwidth estimate, in bits per second, which will be relied on initially when starting to load the first content. If undefined or not set, the WaspHlsPlayer will define its own initial bandwidth, generally of a poor quality (but will be able to provide a better estimate soon enough).
  • return value:

Promise: Promise resolving when and if the initialization step finished with success.

That Promise may also reject in case any of its step failed (such as the fetching of the required resources), in which case the WaspHlsPlayer won’t be able to be used.

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