getLockedVariant method


Returns the locked HLS variant on the currently-loaded content, or null if either no content is currently loaded or if there is but no variant is currently locked.

A variant in HLS is basically a set of media rendition in a given quality. The WaspHlsPlayer may regularly switch between variant, for example because of changing network conditions unless the current variant has been locked. When a variant has been locked, getLockedVariant will return the characteristics of that locked variant.

Those characteristics are the same than for most other variant API, namely:

  • id (number): The identifier for that variant. Might be useful for example when wanting to lock that variant in place through the lockVariant method.

  • width (number | undefined): The optimal width at which the video media data linked to that variant is displayed, in pixel.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no video data.

  • height (number | undefined): The optimal height at which the video media data linked to that variant is displayed, in pixel.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no video data.

  • frameRate (number | undefined): The maximum frame for the video media data linked to that variant.

    undefined if unknown or if there’s no video data.

  • bandwidth (number | undefined): The peak segment bit rate of any media combination in that variant, in bits per second.

    undefined if unknown,

Note that getLockedVariant won’t return its new value synchronously after a lockVariant call as it is is first processed by the WaspHlsPlayer’s WebWorker, an inherently asynchronous process. If you want to know when and if a locked variant through the lockVariant is actually really being considered, you can listen to the variantLockUpdate event.


const variant = player.getLockedVariant();
  • return value:

Object|null: If set, the characteristics of the locked variant. If no variant is currently locked, returns null.

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