Audio Volume Management


Updating and getting the audio volume is done differently than most other API of the WaspHlsPlayer in that we encourage you to use the browser’s native means to do so by directly updating property from the <video> element you gave to the WaspHlsPlayer on instantiation.

For example, to update the audio volume, you can update the video element’s volume property by setting it to a value between 0 - indicating the quietest sound, to 1 indicating the loudest sound:

const videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];

// Full volume
videoElement.volume = 1;

To explicitely mute or unmute the audio volume, it is also possible to use the muted property, also found on the <video> element. Using that property has the advantage of keeping the volume property to its last set value (for cases where you want to un-mute to the previous value).

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